


序号 责任作者 论文名称 刊物 年 卷 页码 收录(影响因子)
1 岳远征 Fabricating high-energy quantum dots in ultr-thin LiFePO4 nanosheeet using a multifunctional high-energy biomoleclue-ATP Energy & Environmental Science, 2014,DOI:10.1039/c3EE441887C SCI(11.65)
2 岳远征 Hierachially Nanoporous Bioactive Glasses for High efficiency immobilization of Enzymes Adv.Funct.Mater. 2014,24: 2206-2215 SCI(10.12)
3 岳远征 Biocarbon-coated LiFePO4nucleus nanoparticles enhancing electrochemical performances Chem. Commun. 2012, 48-10093:10095 SCI (6.2)
4 岳远征 磁性介孔生物活性玻璃固定化葡萄糖酶的研究 J. Mater. Chem. 2013, 567: 98-102 SCI (6.1)
5 岳远征 Bio-synthesis participated mechanism of mesoporous LiFePO4/C nanocomposite microspheres for lithium ion battery J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22:19948-19956 SCI (5.97)
6 岳远征 Nano-p-n junctions on surface-coarsened TiO2 nanobelts with enhanced photocatalytic activity J. Mater. Chem. 2011,21:5106-5113 SCI(5.97)
7 岳远征 Enhancing the electrochemical performance of lithium ionbatteries using mesoporous Li3V2(PO4)(3)/C microspheres J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22:5960-5969 SCI (5.97)
8 岳远征 Synthesis of mesoporous structured hydroxyapatite particles using yeast cells as the template J Mater Sci: Mater Med 2010, 21:155-159 SCI(5.97)
9 岳远征 Enhanced Electrochemical Properties of Lithium Ion Battery Using Mesoporous Li3V2(PO4)3/C Microspheres J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 22: 5960-5969 SCI(5.97)
10 岳远征 Improvement of capacity and cycling performance of spinel LiMn2O4 cathode materials with TiO2-Bnanobelts Electrochimica Acta 2013, 852: 36-41 SCI (3.77)
11 岳远征 生物法合成高性能锂离子电池介孔磷酸钒锂的研究 Electrochim acta 2013, 852: 36-42 SCI (3.77)
12 岳远征 High-performance mesoporous LiFePO4 from Baker yeast Colloids and Surfaces 2012, 103:114–120 SCI (3.45)
13 岳远征 高性能介孔磷酸铁锂的制备 COLLOID SURFACE B 2013, 512: 51-59 SCI (3.55)
14 岳远征 Mesoporous zirconium phosphate from yeast biotemplate J Colloid and Interface Science 2010,343:344-349 SCI(3.07)
15 岳远征 High-performance TiO2 from Baker’s yeast Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2011,354:109-115 SCI(3.07)
16 岳远征        
17 岳远征 Biologically formed hollow cuprous oxide microspheres Materials Science and Engineering C, 2010,30:758-762 SCI(2.686)
18 岳远征 高性能锂离子电池纳米磷酸铁锂的研究 rsc advances 2013, 568: 23 SCI (2.56)
19 岳远征 Water-soluble CdSe/CdS and CdSe/CdxZn12xS quantum dots with tunable and narrow luminescent spectra and high photoluminescence efficiency J Nanopart Res 2013, 584: 32-26 SCI (2.17)
20 岳远征 Composition dependence of luminescence of Eu and Eu/Tb doped silicate glasses for LED applications Jalloy compd 2013, 865: 65-69 SCI (2.1)
21 岳远征 Calorimetric Signature of Structrual Heterogeneity in a Ternary Silicate Glass Jam ceram soc 2013, 586: 32-37 SCI (2.1)
22 岳远征 Low temperature biosynthesis of Li2O–MgO–P2O5–TiO2nanocrystalline glass with mesoporous structure Materials Science and Engineering 2012, 33:1592-1600 SCI (2.0)
23 岳远征 Formation and characterization of mesostructured silica J sol-gel sci techn 2011, 58: 334-339 SCI(1.632)
24 岳远征 Sub-Tg enthalpy relaxationin an extremely unstable oxide glass and its implication for structural heterogeneity Jnon-cryst solids 2013, 584: 32-36 SCI (1.6)
25 岳远征 Transparent phosphosilicate glasses containing crystals formed during cooling Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2011,357:3897-3900 SCI(1.537)
26 岳远征 Nd:Y2O3 Powder Synthesized by Low Temperature Calcination for Fabricating Transparent Ceramics J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym. 2011,21:962-965 SCI(1.452)
27 岳远征 Preparation and characterization of hollow In2O3/Co3O4 heterostructured microribbons by electrospinning process Journal of sol-gel science and technology 2012, 61:169-174 SCI (1.63)
28 岳远征 Effect of cooling rate on crystallization in an alumino-phospho-silicate melt Phys.Chem.:Eur.J.Glass Sci. Technol. B. 201152231-235 SCI(0.696)
29 岳远征 Continuous Pearl-Necklace-Shaped In2O3 Ceramic Nanofibers:Preparation, Characterization and Gas Sensing Properties Mater. Trans. 2011, 52: 1206-1210 SCI(0.699)
30 岳远征 Normal sintering and electric properties of (K,Na,Li)(Nb,Sb)O3lead-free piezoelectric ceramics J.Electroceram. 2011,26:105-111 SCI(1.194)
31 岳远征 Effect of the initial stage of annealing on modeling of enthalpy relaxation in a hyperquenched glass Jnon-cryst solids 2013, 652: 23-28 SCI (1.6)
32 岳远征 Synthesis of CdSeQuantum Dots Using Various Long-Chain Fatty Acids and Their Phase Transfer Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2013, 123: 56-61 SCI (1.15)
33 岳远征 Composition dependence of spontaneous crystallisation of phosphosilicate glass melts during cooling Glass technology-european journal of glass science 2012, 53:235-239 SCI (0.65)
34 岳远征 Effect of Mg–Ca substitution on the spontaneous crystallization behaviour of phosphosilicate glasses Phys.Chem.:Eur.J.Glass Sci. Technol. B. 2011,52:85-90 SCI(0.6)
35 岳远征 Large-scale synthesis of hierarchically mesoporous phosphate nanocomposites using yeast cells as the template reactor Res Chem Intermed 2011, 37: 309–318 SCI(0.697)
36 岳远征 Effect of network modifiers on the opalescence and crystallization behaviour of opal glasses Glass Technol.:Eur.J.Glass Sci. Technol. A. 2011, 52: 67-72 SCI(0.6)



(1)《用于陶瓷制品成型的高分子模具材料的开发》 山东省科技进步一等奖






序号 项目名称 项目编号 负责人 项目开始时间 项目完成时间 经费



1 介孔高能磷酸盐纳米晶玻璃/碳原位复合正极材料电化学性能研究 51272144 何文 2013-01-01 2016-12-31 85
2 介孔高能磷酸盐微晶玻璃快离子导体材料的生物合成研究 51042003/E020405 何文 2011-01-01 2011-01-12 10
3 铋基氧化物异质结构纳米纤维的静电纺丝合成及光催化研究 51172133 刘素文 2012-01-01 2015-12-31 60
4 介孔球形LiFePO4/C原位复合材料制备及电化学性能调控研究 51172132 张旭东 2012-01-01 2015-12-31 60


序号 项目名称 项目编号 负责人 项目开始时间 项目完成时间 经费



1 微孔塑料模具的合成及其应用开发 201004046 姚金水 2010-1-1 2012-12-31 8
2 无喷头连续静电纺丝系统的研制与开发 2011SJGZ13 刘素文 2011-1-1 2012-1-29 6
3 用于LED的发光玻璃/微晶玻璃的研究 济科计(201129 朱超峰 2011-12-1 2013-11-30 7
4 锂离子电池正极材料磷酸铁锂合成新技术研究 201202066 何文 2012-1-1 2014-12-1 7
5 纳米银/高分子无纺布的静电纺丝合成与抗菌性能研究 201311034 卢启芳 2013-1-1 2015-12-31 12
6 多步法合成改性锰酸锂研制与生产 201102056 沈建兴 2011-7-1 2013-12-31 12
7 BiVO4基异质结构纳米纤维的可控电纺合成及光催化研究 211098 卢启芳 2011-1-1 2013-12-31 5
8 动态热机械分析仪升级改造 2013SJGZ03 姚金水 2013-10-10 2014-12-31 8
9 基于静电纺丝技术构筑一维单斜钒酸铋纳米材料及其性能研究 J13LA01 卢启芳 2013-1-1 2015-12-31 5.5
10 稀溶液中胶原蛋白分子构象的刺激-响应性研究 J11LB13 乔从德 2011-7-10 2014-7-10 5
11 2013年高校重点实验室首席专家 2013001 姚金水 2013-10-31 2013-12-31 3
12 高校重点学科实验室首席专家 2012110 姚金水 2012-9-29 2013-7-29 3
13 锂离子电池新型正极材料的研制 2011GGB01167 何文 2011-12-28 2014-12-12 15
14 钢板防腐蚀水性涂料开发 2012GCG20204 姚金水 2012-11-6 2013-12-31 30
15 安全玻璃用色母料及高透明高分子夹层材料开发 2010GGX10312 姚金水 2010-10-1 2013-12-31 15
16 建筑用岩棉熔体、结合剂及保温板的研究 2156102 沈建兴 2012-11-1 2015-6-30 10
17 基于氨基酸的手性高分子的合成及其生物可降解性研究 ZR2012EMZ003 姚金水 2012-10-1 2014-12-31 24


序号 第一作者/责任作者 论文名称 刊物 年 卷 页码 收录(影响因子)
1 张旭东 Fabricating high-energy quantum dots in ultr-thin LiFePO4 nanosheeet using a multifunctional high-energy biomoleclue-ATP Energy & Environmental Science, 2014, DOI:10.1039/c3EE441887C SCI(11.65)
2 何文 Hierachially Nanoporous Bioactive Glasses for High efficiency immobilization of Enzymes Adv.Funct.Mater. 2014,24: 2206-2215 SCI(10.12)
3 张旭东 Biocarbon-coated LiFePO4nucleus nanoparticles enhancing electrochemical performances Chem. Commun. 2012, 48-10093:10095 SCI (6.2)
4 何文 磁性介孔生物活性玻璃固定化葡萄糖酶的研究 J. Mater. Chem. 2013, 567: 98-102 SCI (6.1)
5 张旭东 Bio-synthesis participated mechanism of mesoporous LiFePO4/C nanocomposite microspheres for lithium ion battery J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22:19948-19956 SCI (5.97)
6 沈建兴 Nano-p-n junctions on surface-coarsened TiO2 nanobelts with enhanced photocatalytic activity J. Mater. Chem. 2011,21:5106-5113 SCI(5.97)
7 何文 Enhancing the electrochemical performance of lithium ion batteries using mesoporous Li3V2(PO4)(3)/C microspheres J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22:5960-5969 SCI (5.97)
8 何文 Synthesis of mesoporous structured hydroxyapatite particles using yeast cells as the template J Mater Sci: Mater Med 2010, 21:155-159 SCI(5.97)
9 何文 Enhanced Electrochemical Properties of Lithium Ion Battery Using Mesoporous Li3V2(PO4)3/C Microspheres J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 22: 5960-5969 SCI(5.97)
10 沈建兴 Improvement of capacity and cycling performance of spinel LiMn2O4 cathode materials with TiO2-B nanobelts Electrochimica Acta 2013, 852: 36-41 SCI (3.77)
11 何文 生物法合成高性能锂离子电池介孔磷酸钒锂的研究 Electrochim acta 2013, 852: 36-42 SCI (3.77)
12 张旭东 High-performance mesoporous LiFePO4 from Baker yeast Colloids and Surfaces 2012, 103:114–120 SCI (3.45)
13 张旭东 高性能介孔磷酸铁锂的制备 COLLOID SURFACE B 2013, 512: 51-59 SCI (3.55)
14 何文 Mesoporous zirconium phosphate from yeast biotemplate J Colloid and Interface Science 2010,343:344-349 SCI(3.07)
15 何文 High-performance TiO2 from Baker’s yeast Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2011,354:109-115 SCI(3.07)
17 何文 Biologically formed hollow cuprous oxide microspheres Materials Science and Engineering C, 2010,30:758-762 SCI(2.686)
18 张旭东 高性能锂离子电池纳米磷酸铁锂的研究 rsc advances 2013, 568: 23 SCI (2.56)
19 沈建兴 Water-soluble CdSe/CdS and CdSe/CdxZn12xS quantum dots with tunable and narrow luminescent spectra and high photoluminescence efficiency J Nanopart Res 2013, 584: 32-26 SCI (2.17)
20 朱超峰 Composition dependence of luminescence of Eu and Eu/Tb doped silicate glasses for LED applications Jalloy compd 2013, 865: 65-69 SCI (2.1)
21 张艳飞 Calorimetric Signature of Structrual Heterogeneity in a Ternary Silicate Glass Jam ceram soc 2013, 586: 32-37 SCI (2.1)
22 何文 Low temperature biosynthesis of Li2O–MgO–P2O5–TiO2nanocrystalline glass with mesoporous structure Materials Science and Engineering 2012, 33:1592-1600 SCI (2.0)
23 卢启芳 Formation and characterization of mesostructured silica J sol-gel sci techn 2011, 58: 334-339 SCI(1.632)
24 张艳飞 Sub-Tg enthalpy relaxation in an extremely unstable oxide glass and its implication for structural heterogeneity Jnon-cryst solids 2013, 584: 32-36 SCI (1.6)
25 刘树江 Transparent phosphosilicate glasses containing crystals formed during cooling Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2011,357:3897-3900 SCI(1.537)
26 刘树江 Nd:Y2O3 Powder Synthesized by Low Temperature Calcination for Fabricating Transparent Ceramics J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym. 2011,21:962-965 SCI(1.452)
27 卢启芳 Preparation and characterization of hollow In2O3/Co3O4 heterostructured microribbons by electrospinning process Journal of sol-gel science and technology 2012, 61:169-174 SCI (1.63)
28 刘树江 Effect of cooling rate on crystallization in an alumino-phospho-silicate melt Phys.Chem.:Eur.J.Glass Sci. Technol. B. 201152231-235 SCI(0.696)
29 卢启芳 Continuous Pearl-Necklace-Shaped In2O3 Ceramic Nanofibers:Preparation, Characterization and Gas Sensing Properties Mater. Trans. 2011, 52: 1206-1210 SCI(0.699)
30 沈建兴 Normal sintering and electric properties of (K,Na,Li)(Nb,Sb)O3lead-free piezoelectric ceramics J.Electroceram. 2011,26:105-111 SCI(1.194)
31 张艳飞 Effect of the initial stage of annealing on modeling of enthalpy relaxation in a hyperquenched glass Jnon-cryst solids 2013, 652: 23-28 SCI (1.6)
32 沈建兴 Synthesis of CdSe Quantum Dots Using Various Long-Chain Fatty Acids and Their Phase Transfer Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2013, 123: 56-61 SCI (1.15)
33 刘树江 Composition dependence of spontaneous crystallisation of phosphosilicate glass melts during cooling Glass technology-european journal of glass science 2012, 53:235-239 SCI (0.65)
34 刘树江 Effect of Mg–Ca substitution on the spontaneous crystallization behaviour of phosphosilicate glasses Phys.Chem.:Eur.J.Glass Sci. Technol. B. 2011,52:85-90 SCI(0.6)
35 何文 Large-scale synthesis of hierarchically mesoporous phosphate nanocomposites using yeast cells as the template reactor Res Chem Intermed 2011, 37: 309–318 SCI(0.697)
36 刘树江 Effect of network modifiers on the opalescence and crystallization behaviour of opal glasses Glass Technol.:Eur.J.Glass Sci. Technol. A. 2011, 52: 67-72 SCI(0.6)




